Monday, June 4, 2012

Morals and Ethics

When I first began working, I had lost a very good friend of mine because of my choice. I figured that was her choice, and her right, to decide if she wanted to be friends with me or not, and because of my choice of work, she obviously didn't want to associate with "riff raff". Unlike many of the people whom I have met in this industry, I was lucky enough to have friends that cared about me no matter what I did. So long as I kept myself safe they turned a blind eye to my misgivings about the ways in which I chose to generate income.

Darin Barney writes in his lecture titled One Nation Under Google states that the word moral in everyday use "refers to behaviour that conforms to some abstract community standard, perhaps vaguely religious in origin and sexual in its target, while ethtical refers to something like uprightness or integrity in individual conduct, or adherence to some sort of professional code." I guess this is why my friend decided to end our friendship because she felt that I was not being moral and not conforming to what society says is appropriate.

This brings me to a conversation I had with a girl I work with. We were discussing how men would try and haggle the price down, and her point was, this is my body I am sharing with you. Do you not realize that it is my body. If this goes then I have nothing else. Why would you try and belittle me by trying to pay me less than what is fair? I tried to push the point to the rest of the girls that if our bodies go, we do have other ways of making an income...we could work in factories or something else. However, in my mind, being chained to a factory table, and losing one's eye sight or not getting enough sunlight because of one's work settings seems to be a worse trade off. To commit suicide over the making of Ipad's to me seems much more serious than having some ignorant and rude man try and haggle the price for my cunt. That being said, I was over ruled by the girls at work and they all said that what we have to offer is more precious than what a seamstress has to give in a clothing shop.

Perhaps the general thread of this posting isn't quite clear yet, but it is about what is write and what is wrong. And the main point I wish to argue is, is prostitution right or wrong? How did it become immoral to sell sex? How did it become illegal to sell one's body by choice. In ancient civilizations, a woman was supposed to sell her body in a particular temple at one time in her life, to give this sacred union for money. I don't know if I could even begin to imagine why this was, but it shows that prostitution wasn't always deemed immoral. But what I do find interesting, is how history is filled with tales of older men taking on younger boys as toys and as proteges and yet what takes place between a man and a women is only whispered about in the back.

In the movie Young People Fucking it shows the different reasons, ways and types of sex there is out there. Can exchanging sex for money not just be another one of those categories? Yet when I say this, and I think about men who come and only see me for 15mins, and how I hate them because, I feel that they are not giving me the time I deserve and they are only thinking about their penis and their cash. I personally feel, it is not worth my time, body, or sanity to see clients for anything less than half an hour. However, most of the girls I work with feel the exact opposite. So how can I judge for them what is right or wrong or what should be allowed to do with their bodies.

Do I feel as though I am being immoral? No. I think everyone else in society hasn't woken up and listened to their bodies. Some people can have random sex, others cannot. But now that we have the technology to not only provide safety for the most part from sexually transmitted disease as well as pregnancy, why shouldn't women start to act like men and look for it wherever they want? Many women say that we have to teach our sisters that they do not have to sell sex, and when I read this, all I can think of is we as humans revolve around positive or negative reinforcement. If our boyfriends do well by bringing us chocolates and flowers or taking us out, they know that in return we will want to have sex with them. If they do something bad, we will kick them out of our bed and make them sleep on the couch. Perhaps I am mental but to me this is no different than me deciding to reinforce the idea that I like money and I can easily deal with putting out sex for a few mins. It isn't going to be mind blowing sex, it isn't going to be romantic and wonderful. It will probably  only mediocre, but for a certain time, I will allow my body to help bring him to orgasm. Maybe in the sense of morality this is wrong, but then why don't I feel bad? Why do most of the men who see me, or others not feel bad? Are we broken? Probably not. It probably just means that I share a different ideal of what a community should be about. It just means that I can understand that there are so many faces and facades to sex that this one, the one I sell, does not bother me in the slightest. Forgive me father, for I have sinned. I have sinned because I believe what I do is not sinful.

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