Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Impossible Happened!

I am sure in most cultures, men have been comparing sizes with each other, with the idea, whoever has the biggest penis wins. Porn, has not helped to change these ideals, in fact it seems to only have heightened the need to have a bigger penis. That being said, we must not forget the saying: its not what you have, its how you use it.

Some girls like big, some girls like small. Most like average though from what I have gathered while talking to them. One interesting thing about working girls, is they get all walks of life. This includes, the young, the old, the bored, but others, who just cannot get any fun at home. As it turns out, there are a few men whose girlfriends will not have sex with them, because their penis, is just too big. So they go to the professionals, and most of the time here too they are rejected. Too big hurts.

My ex used to love the idea of a big cock thrusting into me, not paying any attention to the fact that I am wincing in pain. I have had some incredibly big cocks, and I have always been proud of the fact that I have taken them like a champ. However, the other night at work, I found a penis that I couldn't take. He was too big.

I tried my best for a little while. I could feel tears in my eyes ready to down my cheeks. The funny part is, he wasn't the biggest I have ever had. The truth is, he didn't know what to do with it. He didn't know how to work a girl's body so that she could take it. I also realized, slow is not good for me. I need it fast...and somehow my body seems to forget size when things are moving fast down below.

For the first time in my career, I had to say, "no, I can't take you, I have to finish you by hand." I tried extra lube, I tried telling him which angles to point, I even tried to encourage him to go fast...but he wouldn't listen to the last part, and I had to stop the sex due to pain.

I feel as though a part of me has failed in some way. I have always been able to handle sex no matter how big or how much pain I was in. Alas, I have found my limit.

Friday, February 22, 2013

To Ask or Not to Ask

For the longest time, I believed that asking for what one wants, was rude, not courteous, and something which people did not want to hear. I then discovered that if you ask for something specific, you will usually get it. This being because universe has heard your plea or because the person finally knows what to do for you. But what happens if a client uses their asking as a way to make you feel guilty? This is how they get onto my bad list.

I had a client the other who was very kind, but wanted to do this, move here, do that, stand up, sit down, on and on. Though he was courteous and polite throughout the whole thing, which made me feel guilty for being annoyed, but I just couldn't help myself. That was until the end of our session, when he tried to make me feel guilty about not doing every thing he asked for.

When we finally got to the having sex part of the session, he asked me to put my legs down while in missionary. I told him that I could not do that. Understandably, during his frenzy (as with anyone), he was not listening past my use of the word no to my explanation. My reason for declining him his pleasure, is, when I do that position, the power of my cunt, sucks the condom right off the man -- not a good thing for a session!

After complaining to me saying "just put your legs down, it does not feel good for me otherwise", he literally came after 2 strokes...which to me is a signal that it must have felt somewhat good if you are able to cum not only so quickly after complaining but coming so quickly after being inside of me (no more than 30 seconds).

One could argue for his sake that after all of the "foreplay", he just could not hold it back any longer, and no matter what position he was in, he would have cum. I would have left it at that, but he could not. While getting dressed and making the bed (while he took his dripping molasses like time to get dressed) he tried to guilt me for not "doing what I asked." I tried to explain to him again my concern for my our mutual safety (a point he made very clear early on) he cut me off saying no other girl has that problem; as if I were trying to pull the wool over his eyes. (I should have mentioned most girls cannot cum while exercising like I can.)

After trying a little more to make me feel bad about not doing what he wanted I simply stated, "I guess I will never see you again, that is too bad, but probably for the best", he changed tunes very quickly and said that he would still consider seeing me because everything else was "wonderful".

As I have stated in past posts, you get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar. If you as a client ask for something and the girl says no, be a gentleman, do not try an make her feel bad for not doing it. There are many reasons for her choosing this position. If it is really important to you, woe her into trying to get it from her. Bribery sometimes works too. But for the love of Pete, do not try and guilt her into feeling bad. All that will happen is she will remember you as a bad client. If she remembers you as a bad client, she will automatically become hostile towards you, this is never a good thing!