Friday, July 16, 2010

Unlocking The Code - Do Men Only Want Sex?

Lately, I have been thinking about what it is that a man wants. In thinking about this, I came up with the simple answer of, men want sex. However, me being me, the simple answer is just that too simple and I cannot accept it.If men wanted only sex, then they would not continue to go see girls that cannot get them hard (like many of my clients). Nor would they continue to see a girl if they do not finish with(like clients of friends I know).

If men only wanted sex, there wouldn't be this 'me hunter, you wife' complex running around, where the man must provide and take care of his partner. What is sex? Sex is doing rhythmic motions until you orgasm. However, as many people say, it isn't all about what you get in the end but the journey that you take to get there. As women are more than happy to point out, the act of sex is a very intimate act.

Granted there are exceptions to every rule, but it seems to me,  when a man sees a working girl, he doesn't just want sex, men want intimacy. Men want to be close to someone. They want to smell a woman, touch her, feel her move with him. What is the quickest way to achieve intimacy? It is through sex. Women are expected to feel more than men are for sex, so is it because men are not giving a proper vocabulary in which to discuss what they want, which is why we just reduced it down to this need to get off?

I believe, that in this particular instance, men are getting a bad wrap. Yes, men control the world, and until recently have held that control very tightly to the chest. When it comes to sex though, women have taught their daughters to keep their legs closed, to not let in, that sex means nothing to men so we must protect ourselves. (No I have not forgotten how easily it is to get pregnant either). Do men realize that it is also intimacy that they are seeking? I believe some of them do, and I believe that it isn't so far from the truth that if thought about, they would agree.

For the most part, women control the sex. When they give it, why they give it, where they give, and to whom they give it to. Unless rape or serious guilt is involved, men are powerless in the fight for sex. They must wait for us to want it. Sometimes we can be bribed, sometimes we need it, sometimes we just 'give it up'. They are perpetually waiting for us to give it up. This being said, women, the next time you think that men just want sex (unless he has serious blue balls), we may just be reducing men down to their very basic points. I for one do not believe that everything can be reduced to its smallest elements, so next time he is trying desperately to get your pants, or you found out that he is cheating on you...perhaps it is time to wonder a little more as to why he is displaying this type of behaviour.

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